Building Your Resume for Your First Job or Internship

The Resume A resume tells a quick story that leaves employers asking for more.  A simply formatted, clean, and spellchecked resume goes a long way. Avoid colors, designs, or fonts that may be difficult to read when printed or on mobile. Keep your resume to one page and the font to a reasonable size.  And,…

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Why are Companies Reluctant to Continue Interviewing New Candidates?

Why are companies so reluctant to keep interviewing new candidates when someone is already in the third or fourth round of interviews? Too often, companies bank on one applicant who is already in process to fill the job.  It’s one of the biggest mistakes that organizations make during the hiring process.  The job market is…

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Hiring is Human: The Argument Against AI in Recruiting

The Human Element At its core, recruitment is inherently human. More than matching people to jobs, we match people with specific skills to other people with skills. Together they form a brain trust, capable of using their experiences and talents to solve problems and generate new ideas. Recruitment goes beyond keywords and skills sets. It…

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Hiring Technology-Based Jobs for the Remainder of 2023

As the technological landscape continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, so do the hiring trends in technology-based jobs. The second half of 2023 promises to bring about exciting shifts in the way companies recruit and onboard tech talent. From remote work becoming the norm to the rise of niche skills, staying ahead of these…

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Tunnel Vision: Targeting FAANG-Only Talent

Hiring tech talent in 2022? So, is everyone else.  The competition for talent has left everyone scrambling, from startups to global tech companies. Despite the stiff competition and endless opportunities for tech talent, companies continue their quest for FAANG talent as if the market hasn’t changed. Asking your internal talent acquisition team or agency recruiters…

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