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Managing Your Job Search: Why Planning Matters

Career Tips

Your job search starts before you ever click apply.  Once you’ve created your resume and built out your online profile, you still need to prepare a plan of attack to manage the job search from start to finish.  Managing your job search goes hand in hand with submitting applications. You’re tracking, strategizing, and networking your way to the right internship or job.

Tap Into Your Resources

What is immediately available to you?

  • In addition to LinkedIn, get familiar with job boards like Handshake, PathMatch, Indeed, Monster, and Career builder.
  • Take advantage of the career services offered at your college. Many of these centers also cater to upcoming grads and alumni.
  • Scope out jobs directly one company websites to see if you know anyone who has connections.

Network, Network, Network

  • Friends and family are the best path to making new connections
  • Ask people to review your resume again (and again!). Find a connection in human resources, people operations, or internal recruiters.
  • Always try to find a connection to a job rather than applying blindly.

Prepare for Potential Interviews

  • Make sure that you know how to use the different platforms companies may use for interviews – Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, etc. Most of these platforms have free versions.  Login to your interview at least 5 minutes before your scheduled interview to avoid delays, technical issues, or updates.
  • Dress your best – avoid distracting clothing that will take away from the message you’re trying to send
  • If you are interviewing via video call, choose an interviewing space that is quiet, has good lighting, and nothing distracting in the background
  • Practice a video interview with friends of family.
  • Practice your answers to common questions and questions about your specific experience. Exude energy and provide concise answers.
  • Be prepared to send a follow-up and thank you email following the interview
  • Stay up to date on current events, news related to the industry you’d like to work in, and general information about the companies you’ve applied to.

Track Your Search

  • Search for a job or an internship can be a “full-time” job. Set aside specific hours every week to dedicate to your search
  • Track the number of jobs that you have applied for, the number of follow-ups you’ve made, and upcoming interviews. Create a spreadsheet that will help you visualize where you are in your search. These metrics will be important in creating or pivoting your job search strategy.

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