Why are Companies Reluctant to Continue Interviewing New Candidates?

Why are companies so reluctant to keep interviewing new candidates when someone is already in the third or fourth round of interviews? Too often, companies bank on one applicant who is already in process to fill the job.  It’s one of the biggest mistakes that organizations make during the hiring process.  The job market is…

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Hiring Transparency Translates to Filling Jobs More Efficiently

The Talener team has been speaking with more technology candidates recently who are on the job market for the first time in years.  Whether they’re actively seeking new employment or were part of some of the technology layoffs this past year, none of them are looking forward to the interviewing process. It’s daunting to find…

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Competing for Time: Establish an Approved Hiring Process

You wouldn’t apply to a job without updating your resume, defining your target salary, or doing research on your future employer.  Good candidates are prepared for their interviews, yet many employers are lacking in their own preparation for the hiring process.   The expectation that candidates are solely responsible the success of their application is…

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